13 Sept 2016

Understanding The Working Of A Drum Heater And Mirror Defoggers

Let us see how a drum heater works. The typical band type heater has electrical heating elements inside a metal or rubber sheath. The heat is conducted from the elements through the inner wall of the sheath, through the side of the drum and into the product. Thermostat heaters have a temperature controller that senses the temperature of the sheath and turns the power on and off depending on the setting of the control. When the sensor calls for heat, the heater turns on and develops full power. When the power is on, the temperature of the sheath can be several hundred degrees, so thermostat models work best with products that tolerate heat well without burning. Infinite control heaters don't sense the temperature. Instead, they constantly pulse the power on and off, which provides more gentle heating. They are ideal for heat sensitive products like foods, honey, and chocolate.

Immersion heaters fit through the bung opening in the drum and the heating surface is directly in contact with the product, so they're faster and more efficient. They also have a thermostat, so they work best with non-heat sensitive products. They're made from stainless steel so they can be used with a wide range of products.

Heat jackets and blanketshave flexible heating elements woven into insulating fiberglass and silicone rubber. They completely surround the container and help reduce heat loss, so they're more efficient than band heaters. Heating cabinets are electric or steam powered, and allows you to heat and hold up to four drums at a pre-set temperature. They're very efficient and convenient if heating drums is an everyday part of your operation. There are some models in heaters that are specially designed for plastic drums. It uses a thermostat to protect the drum from heat damage. Plastic is not a good conductor of heat, so heating product in plastic drums takes much longer.

To conclude, no matter what kind of drum heating you need to do, make sure that you get expert advice. So, when you need a drum heater, get it right. There are a couple of some really good sites that provide the best of drum heating equipment along with electric blankets, mirror defoggers and so on. Every product detail is present with a picture to give customers a clear idea. These sites are easy to navigate as well as you get whatever you need at a reasonable price. 

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